
Mobile Charger Circuit Board - China Manufacturers, Factory, Suppliers

The genesis of APS is 12 years old, yet we are nationally known for our better product quality and business ethics. We design and manufacture electrical devices that when installed in other major machinery renders a better value to the users. Our array of electrical components includes Mobile Charger and Printed Circuit Board.
Fast Charger is a godsend when our gadgets run low on juice. However, there are numerous fast charging standards in existence today, making it difficult to pick the right charger. Furthermore, while most gadgets historically shipped with an adapter in the box, many manufacturers are now asking you to bring your own.

The mobile charger Circuit Board we designed
High-Speed Charging
Equipped with Qualcomm and Power Delivery, capable of charging your MacBook at full-speed.
Faster Charging
Suppprts fast charging your iPhone 11 / iPhone 11 Pro / iPhone 11 Pro Max up to 50% in 30 minutes.
Extensive Compatibility
Charges phones, tablets, laptops and all other USB Type-C powered devices.
Advanced Safety Protection
Multi-protection ensures stability and safety of your device while providing maximum charging speed.
Shaped in compact size, ideal for PCB Assembly

Benefits from APS
Design Validation
Design for Manufacturability
Cost Competitive
Advanced Technical Staff

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